Featured Guest {Rachel Banister Photography}

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This was a session I did at the beach over the summer. My kids were begging to go to the beach, and we have a friend who has a beach house in Galveston, so I finally caved. I usually bring my camera to the beach, but I always forget to take pictures! This time I swore to myself that I would try to capture how much fun my kids truly have in the water. I loved the images I caught, and I know they will forever be a reminder of that day. It was also my first attempt at going outside of the box with my editing. I used a lot of Alex Beadon's actions, and they truly made my images seem so much more magical. 

When I look at the images of my son and daughter together, I hope that is always a reminder of how sweet they are to each other. I was an only child growing up, and often I find myself, (sadly) jealous of their sweet friendship. They really do count on each other and I hope that continues for the rest of their lives.

Rachel is a full time junior high theatre teacher who spends her drama filled days teaching kids to love an appreciate the performing arts. When she isn't teaching she is spending time with her family and friends (usually while holding a camera, which most people are used to by now).  She has two precious children who take the absolute best pictures around!  They are the most photogenic kids she knows. 

Rachel has been married to her wonderful, supportive husband, Matthew, for almost ten years. He bought her first camera as a Christmas gift, and the rest is history. Rachel is a self taught photographer and holds classes regularly to teach others how to use their camera. She is on a mission to teach anyone who is willing to learn how to capture the "little moments" for their family.  Lifestyle shoots, like the beach pictures featured above, are her favorite kind of pictures to take. 

Rachel Banister Photography: facebook | website


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