Featured Guest {Mama Sparrow Photography}

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Often times I meet my children’s complaining and bickering with a challenge to tell me one thing they are thankful for.  Their replies are usually along the lines of home, family, food, toys, etc.  What if you didn’t have any of those things we find comfort and thankfulness in, could you be grateful?  This spring I had the privilege and blessing to meet some children who did indeed find thankfulness, while they lacked the basics we find necessary to survival. 

These children of Uganda are lingering, forgotten and overlooked, in a remote children’s prison.  Some have committed a crime that deserves punishment but most have been picked up for merely begging for their next meal or abandoned by a step parent or parent.   To me their future looked hopeless, but they greeted me with smiles on their faces and offering up to share with us the lone jackfruit they had.   These children do indeed have hope!  They have hope for a future outside of the prison because of a wonderful organization, sixtyfeet.org, that is advocating for the justice of these children, reuniting them with family, placing them in foster homes, sponsoring them in school, and providing counselors, medical care and additional food.  I had the immense blessing of traveling along with the Sixty Feet staff, to visit these children and learn an important lesson in gratitude.  It’s not the comfort of this world that brings us thankfulness but love.  That day those children were so thankful for us taking the time to visit them.  It was the little things like sitting down to color and paint with them that brought them immense joy.  A hug, a kind word, sitting next to them and listening, each of these small acts filled their day with joy and changed my heart for eternity. 

Christi Kidd aka Mama Sparrow Photography is a mother of 7, who loves light and freedom and advocating  for the least of these in society.  Most days you will find her buried in laundry, toys, and kids, with a camear nearby to capture the little moments that fill her life.  

 Mama Sparrow Photography: facebook | blog



  1. Beautiful Christi! I, with you, will never forget. Congratulations on this feature!

  2. These are stunning and moving and well, just plain awesome! Well captured!!

  3. Christi, this is just so beautiful- that you sought out the children in our world who need help the most, and found them to be joyful in the midst of such an awful situation. Loved reading your story & seeing your pictures. Glad to know that there is an organization out there helping these children. Thanks for sharing! <3 -Sarah

  4. Awesome feature Christi! Love the images and they tell a story.

  5. Christi, This post is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your gifts to capture His beauty.

  6. So amazing Christi! Loved all your words and seeing all these images again. I've enjoyed getting to know you, your amazing family and how you live your life through our 365 group. Thank you for sharing.


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