Featured Guest {Heart of Life Photography}

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My main focus is documentary photography. My personal project and mission is The Mom Project. Getting Mom in the photo with her kids in a way where she doesn't say "Oh I look ____" but instead, wells up with tears because through that photo she can FEEL the moment with her children.  Every Mom is different, but what I find...is every Mom is the same. We all worry that we are not doing it right, we all try to hold onto the little moments of childhood, and we all want our children to know that they are loved more than anything.

My name is Pam Dusbabek from Southeast Minnesota. I’ve loved the art of photography since my first photography class in 7th grade. A Thyroid Cancer diagnosis in 2007 sent my photography focus into a tail spin. I spent 5 years finding my voice in life and photography, finally giving myself permission to focus solely on documentary photography.  July of 2013, I took the leap from day job to dream job and haven’t looked back. The ability to find my purpose and pursue it whole-heartedly would not be possible without the unwavering support of my husband and two daughters (11 and 14 yrs old).

Heart of Life Photography: Facebook | Website


  1. I love your project and your mission. Amazing, Beautiful, Moment capturing.

    1. Thank you! It's been incredible to see the reactions to this project!

  2. I started to smile at the first photo, then just kept smiling, and smiling and smiling. The love in these photos is palpable.


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